how to orient a map using a lensatic compass

At Advnture, we never head out into the backcountry without a map and compass. To use your lensatic compass to find the direction of your intended azimuth (which you probably got from your map, using your protractor): 1. Spread out your map. pointsnorth, east, south, and westbut some are marked additionally with the. This is because it is prepped to point instead to magnetic north once it's lined up with your compass needle. So, if youre in Muir Woods and your compass has a bearing of 180, youll want to subtract 14. Improve your reading skills with the KWL Method Compass 101 - How to Use a Baseplate Compass Buying a Compass for Land Naviga-tion Basic Navigation with a Compass and a Map How to orient a map and take a . Move the lens holder: Slightly push forward the lens holder. Orient a map using a lensatic compass To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow is pointing our map towardtruenorth as opposed tomagneticnorth. To begin, use your compass to locate a peak on Saddle Mountain. The big idea normally is to have your map more or less line up with the terrain so you can make sense of where things are around you. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. Designate your starting and ending points on the map. When you point your compass towards true north, your compass needle is going to point a little to the west. Look through the sighting slot and find some target (a tree, boulder, whatever) that lines up with your sighting wire. You should notice that the direction of travel arrow should be pointing at the top of the map, and the black orienteering lines should also be parallel to the north-south gridlines on the map. 3. Huzzah! Lensatic compasses are used by the United States military for a reason. Line up the meridian lines (the parallel lines inside the bezel) with a north/south grid line on the map. If not, recalibrate before continuing. A Beginners Guide. Magnetic north would be around 14 degrees to your right, or east. This straightforward video shows both approaches to using a compass to orientate a map: All the latest inspiration, tips and guides to help you plan your next Advnture! Triangulate your position. Next, turn the compass housing so that the index pointer corresponds to the number of degrees of the magnetic declination. Return from Lensatic Compass to How to Use a Compass. These other objects can interfere with compasses, and no matter how miniscule the differences may seem, it can leave an impact. If you point your compass towards true north, your compass needle is going to point a little to the east. Youre in the right place! Youve orientated the map. Best Overall. That can make a huge difference! All you have to do is shoot a bearing towards the unidentified peak. Your action from here depends on the value and direction of your declinationeast or west. 1. You want to find your position using the technique of partial resection, so you need to know that tower's bearing with a high degree of accuracy. Half the activity of their sport is keeping their map oriented so they can navigate faster and with more accuracy. What wildlife can you see at Yellowstone National Park? 1. Aligned the side of the compass with one of the north-south grid lines. Preferred by military for its precision and. Rotate the compass until the north on the bezel points to the top of the map and the compass housing orienting lines are parallel to the maps vertical grid lines, using your position as a pivot. Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download Place the compass on the map with one long edge of the baseplate running between the two points of interest. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. Using the Centerhold Technique. Place the fully opened lensatic compass on the map with As long as youre lined up with your direction of travel arrow (keeping that north arrow visible for reference), you need to look through the sighting line and pick a landmark ahead of you. Theyre not traditionally used for camping trips or simple navigation, but if youre serious about prepping, this is a must-have in your EDC bag and bug out bag. A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. Thats your bearing from point A to point B. You have your point location when you know precisely where you are in reference to your map. You dont have your point position. The following 30-minute U.S. Army training video from 1966 shows how to find your direction, orientation, and location with a mil-spec lensatic compass. The big bang. Check to see if the north directional arrow is inline with the arrow/line of the compass. The method is to align the edge of the compass along the Magnetic North (MN) line, and then move the map and compass together until the compass needle points north. Were going to move that to take into account declination on our compass. Its a subtle difference, but its a roundabout way of saying lensatic compasses are less prone to interference than others. Ensure that the compass bezel is set to 0 degrees i.e. Thanks so much for sharing! Isnt that a little black arrow outline? You are missing your point location. With our compass adjusted for local declination, were now ready to start orienting ourselves. When you do know exactly where you are in relation to your map, you have your point position.. New York, The term lensatic comes from the fact that there is a lens on the rear side of the compass that aids in the orienteering process. The rear bearing is at a 50-degree angle. Youve got your trusty compass and a map of the area, but you dont know exactly where you are in relation to the map. Use the illustration above to familiarize yourself with the components of a lensatic compass. Heres how it works. Lensatic compasses aremade upof three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Come to think of it, I dont even know if he had a compass. ), but youre not sure where. All you have to do now is take a bearing towards the unnamed mountain. 3. Place compass on top of map. Making sure you don't move to change directions, turn the glass compass housing until the short luminous line is directly lined up with the luminous magnetic arrow. The red end of the needle must be pointing to the top of the map. True north is at the very top of the earth, while magnetic north is currently off the coast of Greenland. Above: For this example in the Grand Canyon, grid north ("GN") differs from true . Put that hand up to the compass, steadying the compass by placing your index finger along the compass's side, and wrapping your thumb between the bezel ring and the rear sight. You notice another mountain peak out in the distance, but you dont know what its called. Navigation has taken on many forms over the years. No worries. Use the lens to look through the sighting line to find another landmark, and repeat until you reach your destination. Module 1 Lensatic Compass. Articles - Email - Linkedin - Facebook - Instagram. Brett May 23, 2016 Last updated: June 2, 2021. Turn the little screw using a small screwdriver or the little metal piece that comes with your compass lanyard. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. Identify where you are on the map and place the compass edge over this location. When we know our point position, we can identify any landmark that we see in our terrain by using the map. Before we do that, lets dig a bit deeper into declination. PART 1 Basic Land Navigation USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS Module 6 Map Information. With solid land-navigation skills, you'll be more confident and "at home" in the wilderness. Its not as easy to get lost on land without a map and compass. How can you get your point position then? All Rights Reserved. For sighting purposes, we recommend using the compass-to-cheek method for better accuracy. Area Position. For this, they use a lensatic compass, among other navigation equipment and techniques. Check the index line to find out the bearing you just have taken. Place the compass flat on the map with the travel arrow pointed in the general direction of north and one of the base plate's long edges linking your location and your destination; you may need a straight-edge to make the connection, depending on the map's scale and the distance to be covered. To use your lensatic compass to find the direction of your intended azimuth (which you probably got from your map, using your protractor): 1. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you do map orientation? The instructions on this page might make orienting a map seem a highly technical thing. Lets go to the other side of the country. On the other hand, wrap the fingers around the three fingers below the compass. There is nothing better than being at the heart of your navigation as a prepper, and truly knowing where youre headed without the need for technological input. There is no declination, and you do not need to adjust your compass. Advnture is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Your cheek should be resting on the base of your thumb. You discover that it has a bearing of 176. Well say the declination value is 10 degrees. A: To rotate a map in Beat Saber, you can hit the trigger button on your controller. Sometimes limited visibility means terrain features may not be visible. (They are oriented to Grid North, which is not necessarily the same as . how to orient a map using a lensatic compass; how to orient a map in military; orient a map using a lensatic compass powerpoint This involves trying to orient a map using only topographical features and your own eyesight. This can be done either by (1) rotating the map the requisite number of degrees east or west or (2) holding the baseplate firmly, rotate the compass housing to the correct number of degrees west or east to account for the declination. The easiest way to orientate a map is to relate the features in front of you to the features on the map. Note: This procedure places the fixed black index line of the compass parallel to north-south grid lines of the map. Learn Land Navigation Now. 4. Pull the lens holder up so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the base of the compass. Orient the map to the terrain. Now its time to store your compass. Take your compass and turn the compass housing (bezel) until the red orientating arrow is in line with the direction of travel arrow. To orient a map means to line it up with the terrain, so that North on the map is pointing to North on the terrain. Yeah, book is the most effective tool that can be made use of for affecting your life. Just follow these lensatic compass instructions: Open the compass: Let the cover and the base form a 90-degree angle. Survival Compass, Military Compass Hiking, Orienteering Lensatic Compass, Waterproof Navigation Compasses, Survival Emergency Luminous Sighting Compass. Orienting the Map with anOrienteering Compass. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. We'll start from the beginning, and go through everything you need to know to find your way over the terrain.

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how to orient a map using a lensatic compass