portland, maine fire department apparatus

Posted in June. We employ 1 full time Fire Rescue Chief, 1 Administrative Assistant, 8 career and 18 part time Fire EMS providers. G-51 Clinical Field Time to Complete Certification Course SOG If you want to help us update this department with photos or information, contact us here. Wells Fire Dept . Posted in February. Apparatus; Personnel; Parking Ban Alert 2/27 5pm through 3/1 12pm Read more . In 1990, the PFD added a third Medcu unit, and in 1993 the "Joseph C. Shapleigh Fire has placed into service a 2022 Ford F-450/Kimtek brush truck as Forestry 1. Item Information. . Fire Department; Our Apparatus; Our Apparatus Rescues 1, 2, & 3. Posted in April. How to Add or Inactivate a Person's MEFIRS Account(PDF, 1 page, 275 KB)***updated 4/01/2020, A "MEFIRS Report Writer Fire Report Hints" document that provides basic guidance on how to use Report Writer to find some reports she has created that summarizes fire run report and training/activities information:MEFIRS Report Writer Fire Report Hints(PDF, 8pages, 275KB)*** updated 6/11/2020, A "MEFIRS Training & Activity Module Hints" document that provides basic information on setting up data elements for training and activity forms and events: MEFIRS Training & Activities Module Hints (PDF, 7 pages, 675KB) *** updated12/30/19, A guidance document on how to documentCOVID-19 NFIRS Special Study guidelines for an NFIRS report(PDF, 1 page, 78 KB) ***updated 4/6/2020, NEW! The Hurgren and Shindler furniture shop, located at First & Taylor, began to burn. Gordon Chibroski/Staff . APPARATUS OF THE PAST - MASSACHUSETTS CITIES & TOWNS A-E . Posted in October. (Mar1, Mar2), running with a spare engine until new pumpers arrive, 2022 Pierce Enforcer 1500/700/20A (delivery mid-late Sept 2022), 2011 Seagrave Marauder II 1500/500/20A (to be reassigned when new E5 in svc), 2011 Seagrave Marauder II 1500/750 (medic/ex E4), 1980 Mack MC 1000/750 (ex Windham, in svc 2017), 1988 Ford F-350/1978 Saulsbury 4X4 350/285 (acquired in 2006, ex Haddam CT - exE314), Pierce Enforcer 100' MM Tower ordered in 2022, 2017 Seagrave Marauder II 1500/500/100' RMA, 2022 Pierce Enforcer-Ascendant 1500/400/107' RMA, 2000 Pierce Dash 1500/500/105' RMA (refurb by Pierce 2020), 1994 Pierce 2000/500/105' (purch used in 2009), 2011 Pierce Velocity (in svc 2019, ex Rockford, IL), 2005 Chevy C7500 23-foot Box Truck w/Hyd Ramp, 2006 Chevy Suburban 4X4 - Deputy Chief Air Rescue Division, 2011 Ford F-550 Super Cab w/1994 E-One Body (rehab - placed into svc 2011, 2019 Rosenbauer Panther 4X4 2100/1600/500DC, 2001 Oshkosh T1-1500 ARFF 1,250 GPM/1500 water/450 AFFF/500 lbs Halon/55' Snozzle, 2013 Chevy G4500/2014 Braun ambulance (exM35), 2009 Ford E-450/2011 Braun ambulance (ex A304 Rsv), 2014 Ford E-450/Braun/Quigley 4x4 conversion ambulance, 2022 Ford E-450/Braun remounted ambulance - medical crisis unit, 2009 65' 3000 GPM fireboat "City of Portland IV", 1994 Kawasaki carrying portable pump & hose, Barbara Bush Medical Center Critical Care, 1974 American LaFrance/1986 Dept 1000/500, 1996 Freightliner FL112SD/Ferrara 1250/1000, 1999 Pierce Dash 1500/1000 (purch used in 2009), 2001 Pierce Enforcer 1250/750 (E1 disbanded 7/1/19), 1936 Seagrave 65' MMA (PFD's 1st steel aerial), 1970 American LaFrance AeroChief 80' snorkel, 1977 Ward LaFrance/Maxim 250/200/100' RMA, 1982 American LaFrance Water Chief 1500/500/75' RMA, 1983 American LaFrance Water Chief 1500/500/75' RMA, 1989 Pierce Arrow 1250/300/105' RMA (to Hernando Beach, FL VFD 2011), 1959 65 foot Fireboat 7,000 GPM with a 250 gallon AFFF foam tank (and 85 gallons of Hi-Ex), 1976 International 450 PKP/50 AFFF/50 CO2, 1977 Walters CT4 ARFF 1520 GPM/1500 gallon water/210 gallon AFFF/52' Snozzle w/ 750 GPM tip/300 GPM bumper turret, 1992 Chevy/E-One Rapid Intervention 450 lbs of Purple K. Posted in December. Rescue 1 is a special Hazards company that responds to all major incidents in The City of Portland and. Friendship, Maine Fire Department- has taken delivery of a Ford F-550/E-One 4X4 light rescue for Utility 5. Air Rescue units were added in 1973, and in 1975 the Medical Crisis Unit (Medcu) was formed as a part of the Fire Department to handle the increasing need for EMS in Portland. Gautreau disclosed the move after being contacted by a reporter Thursday morning about photos posted Nov. 22 on the Portland Fire Department's Facebook page showing him and other members of the . In 1899 Portland annexed the City of Deering, with that the entire firefighting force of Deering was incorporated into the PFD. SCBA Inspections. Maine State Plus-One codes(PDF, 3 pages, 103 KB)***updated 2/19/2020, A "How to Add or Inactivate a Person's MEFIRS Account" guide. (Gurney, 1902) 1744 January 17 - The ship of war, the Astrea, accidentally took fire and was entirely consumed. Posted in January. With increasing fires the Fire Companies became better organized leading to a numbering system starting in 1835. The Portland Co. built the next steamer in 1864, which was placed in service on Congress St. along with Ladder 1 as the "Casco Steam Fire Engine Number 5". Rescue 1 went onto service in 1943, and in 1963 Portland's Bravest were the stars in a movie about Firefighters called "24 Hours". Posted in February. Apparatus has been relocated to the other stations with the staffed apparatus running out of the South Windham Station. Posted in March. The original VFD was formed in 1965 by Orrin Crummett and Donald Hewett. The City of Portland IV was on the far side of Fort Gorges from the city shortly before 6 p.m. Saturday when the accident occurred, Fire Chief Fred LaMontagne said Wednesday. While the department began service to the city on August 2, 1853, this truck would not be put into service until 1866 by Vigilance Hook & Ladder. Under a proposed budget, the Portland Fire Department would lose Engine 1 from its Munjoy Hill fire station unless an alternative is suggested and adopted. The 1970s and 1980's were a busy time for the PFD, as was it for many Fire Departments across the Country. Posted in January. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. A second steam Engine was placed in service in 1861, the "Falmouth Steam Fire Engine 2" and assigned to Congress St. at Smith St., but due to it's weight and mechanical problems it was out of service more often than in service. In 1857, Vigilance Hook & Ladder Company No. Easton, ME Fire Department- has been awarded a federal share of $5,958.10 for Facepieces for Firefighter Breathing Masks. The overtime issue in Portland for the fire department is that it has not been budgeted for what we need to run the fire department for 15 years running, he said Monday. 1 Portland Avenue, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064 (207) 934-5714 | Contact Town Hall for Hours . Tanker 1 Station 1 Collectively, the data is an asset because it helps identify trends, quantify activities, determine causes and plan deployment of limited resources. 43 were here. Posted in November. Information gathered from local fire departments provides a resource of statewide statistical data that can be sharedto help local fire chiefs determine fire trends and specific areas of fire loss that may need to be addressed in their jurisdictions. Email Matt Bartlett. Pierce . How to Create a MEFIRS Account, Add and Deactivate MEFIRS Members -https://licensure.maineems.org/lms/public/portal#/login. South Portland Fire Department . Contact. Auburn, Maine Fire Department- had taken delivery of a 2021 Pierce Enforcer for Engine 3. It is always a work CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Email: richard.e.taylor@maine.gov. Mutual Aid was received from cities as far away as Boston, Massachusetts as the fire spread through the city. "But we did not run aground. 5 Ladder This training would focus on how fire departments can set up their Apparatus and Personnel, and how to complete an NFIRS-compatible fire report in the online MEFIRS reporting system. . Official Website of the Town of Jackman, Maine. Hence, every report, however small the incident, is important. Lt. Nick Barrow at the Coast Guard station in South Portland said it did not appear that the city had to file a report, given the amount of damage, the absence of serious injuries, that the accident didn't involve another boat or a grounding, and that the boat was able to return to port unaided. no apparatus currently assigned-----Engine 9: 2011 Seagrave Marauder II 1500/750 (medic/ex E4) 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. (Red1, Red2, Red3, Red4, Red5, RI), (West side of State Pier)- 54 Commercial Street - Maine Fire Protection Services Commission; Fire Investigations. Lewiston, Maine Fire Department- opens new fire station on North Temple Street. Gorham, ME Fire Department- has been awarded a federal share of $93,333.33 for Vehicle Exhaust Removal Systems. Posted in April. Presumption of disability for active firefighters. Most Firefighters are now licensed EMTs, and a group of Firefighters that are currently licensed Paramedics will be cross trained to possibly form a Paramedic Engine Company.[1]. ), Engine . Ellsworth, Maine Fire Department- hires Scott Guillerault as new fire chief. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Portland's first motorized apparatus was a 1917 Seagrave, and the city continued to buy Seagraves into the 1960s. Posted in January. Posted in April. 1908 City Hall Fire Photo Gallery. 1916 also brought the first motorized apparatus, Hose 8. The Portland Fire and Rescue Department is the largest fire department in the U.S. state of Oregon. Allegiance Fire and Rescue is New England's complete medium & heavy-duty fire apparatus and emergency vehicle support network. Farmington, Maine Fire Department- fire chief to resign in November. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Fire Chief Keith Gautreau said the station would continue to have an ambulance and a ladder truck, along with five firefighters on duty at all times. If a department is unable to respond to an incident, or if they were cancelled before apparatus left the station, no NFIRS report is needed. The Steam Engines proved very useful to the PFD with Companies requiring only 15-20 men per company as compared to the 60 needed for the Hand Tubs. Posted in January. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Allegiance Fire and Rescue is a full-line sales and service distributor of fire apparatus and equipment for Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. LaMontagne would not say who was in charge of the City of Portland IV at the time of the accident, how many people were aboard or exactly where the accident happened. Posted in April. Quick Links. LifeFlight of Maine- recently acquired a 2020 Agusta 109SP twin engine helicopter (N901XM) for LifeFlight 2. Posted in February. October 30, 2019: Image Trend has announced that their Elite platform (our MEFIRS system is in Elite) will not be supported by Internet Explorer after December 31, 2019. The department also mandated that when the boat travels in a channel at night, all navigational aids are to be illuminated with a spotlight. Posted in June. 52 State House Station. Blake returned to MI6 as assistant chief of Department Y, and . Job Description. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Westbrook, Maine- radio system upgrade does away with dead spots. Arundel Fire Dept . PORTLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT PORTLAND, MAINE: Population: 68,000: Area: 30 Sq Miles: Ambulance Provider: Portland Fire : Call Volume: 18,486 in 2022: Members: 232 Full Time: NO PATCH IMAGE: Official Website - Munjoy Hill FB Page: . Seagrave Fire Apparatus received a five-year contract from the Portland (Maine) Fire Department for new fire apparatus. EMS Drug Box Inspection. The boat ran aground in November 2009 in Whitehead Passage, the channel between Peaks and Cushing islands, sustaining $90,000 worth of damage. Portland Engine 5. The State Fire Marshal submits data compiled from all participating fire departments to the U.S Fire Administration. Title 14, 174: Installation of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors by Fire Departments; Fire Sprinkler Contractors Title 32 . The City and the PFD rebuilt after the fire. (L1, L5, MEDCU1), (Rosemont) 212 Stevens Avenue - Join to apply for the Facilities Supervisor - Portland, ME role at CSX. Lebanon, Maine Fire Department- has purchased former Hopkinton, NHs Engine 2, a 1995 Simon Duplex/Valley 1500/1000. Scarborough, Maine Fire Department- fire chief set to retire after 46 years of service. Department reports from the time refer to it as "A Ladder Truck Built in this City in 1866." It was replaced in 1879 when the first horse drawn ladder truck . ", a 42 feet Duffy, went into service as a Rescue boat for the waterfront and Portland's Coastal Islands. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. It operates from 14 Fire Stations, and is comprised of the following units: The Portland Fire Department can trace its' roots back to 1768, when the first five "Fire Wards'" in the city were appointed. MAINE. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Listed Under Community They Protect, (APPARATUS SHOWN HERE MAY NOT BE CURRENTLY Posted in December. Portland Press Herald. Annual NFIRS data are used for the U.S. Fire Administrations publication "Fire In The United States," which describes the nature and scope of the fire problem in the United States. Posted in January. I dont plan to trainin late fall or winter because traveling becomes uncertain. The city's second fireboat, the Cavallaro, will be used for most calls, said Nicole Clegg, the city's spokeswoman. In 2018, Engine 1 responded to 1,895 calls, while Engine 5 responded to nearly 3,407. Hours of Operation: . In 1831 the Portland Fire Department was officially established. Posted in April. Lewiston, Maine Fire Department- Brian Stockdale resigns as fire chief. February 8, 2018:Image Trend has told our office that, instead of providing the Scheduler module that we contracted for, they have decided to offer another company's product for MEFIRS scheduling. Kennebunk, Maine- to hire 8 new first responders after being awarded grant funding. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. The department consists of two divisions - a fire protection division and an ambulance service division. Marine 48 Information. CARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Posted in April. Posted in September. FireRescue1/EMS1 Staff. Headquarters (Downtown)- 380 Congress Street - Submit an Event Request. 1740 The farm house built by Henry Sherburne and Tobias Langdon on Elwyn road was destroyed by fire. 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portland, maine fire department apparatus