d. Presidents are less likely to rely on their unilateral powers since Congress can easily overturn such actions. E. 94, How many federal courts of appeal are there? There are few disagreements on whether executive orders fall on the right side or wrong side of the Constitution's limitations. Accurate E. All of these answers are correct. 53. B. review the interpretation or application of law in a previous court case. c. They have too little authority to satisfy the expectations for their performance. Select all that apply. What is the fundamental dilemma that all US presidents face? b. Question 1 2 / 2 points Which of the following statements about Executive Order 13228 are accurate? View Feedback 1.5 / 2 points Which of the following statements about Executive Order 13228 are accurate? 43. E. fourteen. D. amicus curiae. Eroded the President's capacity to enlist television to go public. C. the demographic represented by the candidate Which of the following have caused an increase in the executive's delegated powers? The President's role in 19th-century politics was which of the following? a. C. proportional c. sending the Vice President to preside over the House of Representatives C. code law. Imagine that the president negotiates a deal on trade with Canada that the Senate is unlikely to support. D. the government E. 13. What is the name of the strategy presidents use to promote their policies by engaging in intensive public relations to induce cooperation from other elected officeholders? Question options: The order was to establish the Office of Homeland Security and the Security Council. B. district court and courts of appeals judges adjust duties on manufactured goods, veto acts of Congress Which of the following statements about the presidential cabinet is most accurate? Opposition-controlled congresses write longer laws on average because they a. depends on the public's appraisal of him as president, and appeals from unpopular presidents are likely to be ignored. d. the division of powers among various actors in the executive branch. The order was created to inform an international strategy. E. Congress and other legislatures. C. "friend of the court" briefs and oral arguments Andrew Jackson incorrect answers 78, Alexander Hamilton argued that the Constitution structured the federal judiciary so that it would, D. be the weakest of the three branches of government, In the federal judicial system, the main courts of original jurisdiction for most cases are the, The Supreme Court predominately acts as a court of. Which of the following statements about the evolution of the presidential tactic of "going public" is accurate? C. are courts of discretionary jurisdiction. a. B. combined court B. the House of Representatives and the president Presidents have a particularly difficult time working with an opposition-controlled Congress. Custom orders He delivered a minor address almost every other day. B. any concerned citizen a. The demands of the office have been reduced so much that they no longer exceed the resources available to meet those demands. D. 27 33. A. state The president deploys troops to a conflict without requesting a declaration of war. Equipment purchases are reported on the balance sheet. b. the President's political skill C. 56 Executive orders are exceptional devices used only in times of national emergency. \text { Purchase 3, May 29 } & 9 & 86 & \\ A. From the time of Franklin Roosevelt onward, generally speaking, which of thefollowing is true about presidential travel? Compared with its 19th century counterpart, which of the following is true about the modern cabinet? a. a. the veto and the ability to call Congress into special session William Henry Harrison Today, appearing on prime time television is the most dramatic way of going public Correct Answer(s) 13. United States Reports. Executive orders are not laws because they are confined by the scope of discretion delegated to the President. C. constitutional law. E. the Senate and the president, Senatorial courtesy, used today in the selection of ________, gives a senator the right to veto an appointment to when the senator and nominee are from the same home state. D. statutory D. more than the executive branch, but less than the legislative branch. b. are more likely to be in conflict. 36. The two critical elements of the Executive Office of the President are the b. In Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents, Richard Neustadt argues in partthat despite sharp expansion of statutory authority and the dramatic growth in the institutional resources, which of the following is true? The Main Responsibilities Provides oversight and is accountable for changes and/or installations related to network or customer service by managing a provisioning team that is responsible for some or all of the following: customer solution design, circuit design, service build, Firm Order Commitment (FOC) turnaround, circuit install, and . b. the Internal Revenue Service \end{array} Why is it that, even after his administration, the balance of power durably shifted away from Congress and toward the president? answer choices President Clinton greatly reduced the use of presidential signing statements compared with his predecessors. If, however, the congressional session ends within 10 days of Congress presenting the president with the bill, it receives a ______ veto. E. delegate, Which of the following share power in the selection of federal court judges? D. the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives a. A. a. Criminal trials require a higher degree of certainty of guilt or responsibility. Determine the ratio of liabilities to stockholders equity for Year 2 and Year 1. d. The relatively small size of the President's staff makes it easy for presidents to supervise and get the information they need. B:CRNAs must be supervised by an anesthesiologist based on state requirements. C. criminal can be overturned by executive action alone This document is signed, published and written decree ordered by the President. A. judicial qualifications of the candidate c. declarations presidents sometimes issue when approving a bill that they will not enforce or implement certain provisions of a bill. c. rarely produces the outcome Congress intends since the President leads a separate branch of government largely insulated from congressional control. 9Purchase3,May29Sale2,July10Purchase4,Sept.10Units968109158PurchasePrice(perunit)$5872808696SalePrice(perunit)$150150150. Each president has spent more days on foreign political travel and fewer days ondomestic political travel. vice president D. Presidents rarely issue executive orders. Study the timeplot images and determine which of the following statements are accurate. E. congruent, Which of the following chief justices led a particularly activist Supreme Court? Why? With a week remaining before Crossover Day, activity hit a fever pitch in the Capitol on Monday. It has had no effect since divided government has long been a feature of American politics. \hline \text { Beginning inventory } & 9 & \$ 58 & \\ 1. C. concurring d. the states voted to transfer this power to the executive after the War of 1812. d. is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers. Which of the following statements about presidential power is accurate The president has enough resources for coordinating national responses during emergencies, but insufficient authority to usurp the Constitution President Grover Cleveland noted which of the following about presidential appointments "I make one integrate and ten enemies." d. Increased from about 20% to more than 75%, a. decreased from about 55% to roughly 30%. 40. c. There are no mentions of any kind of executive power since the Framers wanted the President to act as a figure head. The War Powers Resolution includes which of the following provisions? Examining te President's role as commander in chief reveals which of the following? run for the pies 2020 lakeland fl results; boy killed in columbus, ohio; standard pillow cases A. Warren president D. pressure from interest groups and issue networks Which of the following statements about the President's role in the legislative process is correct? B. state Which of the following statements about presidential power is accurate? 44. 15. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} correct A. a case between two states. C. ideologically neutral, with equal numbers of conservatives and liberals There is a zero-sum game as each side profits from the other side's failures, Modern presidents deal with an opposition Congress using vetoes and threats but also by, pulling decisions into the White House through executive orders, centralized administration, and broad assertions of executive privilege, Opposition-controlled congresses write longer laws on average because they, try to anticipate efforts by an unsympathetic administration to suborn or redirect policy, The President is commander in chief of the nation's armed forces because. an order to remove the ban on women in military combat roles Presidents rely on members of their party to promote their legislative agenda. Which of the following statements about writs of certiorari is accurate? d. is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers. a. Which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate? d. a presidential branch of the government separate and apart from the executive branch that attempts to coordinate the executive and legislative branches in its own behalf. a. d. have declined in popularity as presidents have found other tools for influencing Congress. b. fighting a two-front war combined with managing the economy increased thedemands for information. Executive Orders state mandatory requirements for the Executive Branch, and have the effect of law. In general, Congress writes legislation with _______ details in the statute. most commonly used on minor matters Even with the chief of staff system modern presidents use, every recent president has experienced seriuos staffing problems that have erupted into public controversy, if not scandal. E. about the same as it does both the executive branch and the legislative branch. A. Samuel Alito What type of court system exists in the United States? D. the Attorney General of the United States a. must be credible, explicit, and public to be effective. answer choices Cases appealed by the solicitor general are automatically granted certiorari. Which examples of presidential executive orders would be most likely to be supported by the Supreme Court? Which of the following is true about hte line item veto? B- The president's can pardon himself from impeachment. d. the explanation the President provides when exercising his ability to strike out objectionable parts of bills that he signs into law. The veto enables the President to exert his authority absolutely. B. can only be overturned by presidential and Senate action B. a statutory violation. They have too little authority to satisfy the expectations for their performance. C. federal d. the right to dissolve Congress and schedule new elections, a. the veto and the ability to call Congress into special session. b. reaction as Congress passes bills and presidents suggest minor alterations before signing them. d. The Framers got the balance of power between the executive and the legislative branches over war powers exactly right. c. sponsorship and promotion of major policies and a central role in administration. How does divided government affect the normal state of affairs in Washington? It is long on generalities and short on details but embodies limits on presidential discretion. It allows presidents a clear, self-enforcing means of asserting their preferences. a. Eins accounting records provide the following data for the remainder of 2019 for one of the items the company sells: ActivityUnitsPurchasePrice(perunit)SalePrice(perunit)Beginninginventory9$58Purchase1,Feb.15672Purchase2,Mar. What legislative tools are given to the president in the Constitution? The President's leadership of public opinion A. a. keeps Congress well informed on international affairs. An executive order in the United States is a directive issued by the president of the country that controls how the federal government operates. b. D. 76 It defines very clearly with strict limitations on exactly what the President is permitted. Find, copy, or describe an advertisement for an item that reflects Americans' attitudes toward admire or overcome nature values. d. Avoiding ambitious individuals who would use the temporary advantages conveyedby national crisis to permanently alter the constitutional order. If you could design a system of presidential selection that would make the president as powerful as possible, which of the following methods would you choose? E. head justice. D. any trial to determine the facts no matter who the parties are. They can only advocate general issues or positions, and cannot attack an individual candidate. DGAP-News: Roscan Gold Corporation / Key word(s): Miscellaneous 20.01.2020 / 17:49 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. A. Which tool is primarily a management tool, but has also been used to shift domestic policy? c. has a budget that is controlled by the President with little congressional input so the President can receive the best possible advice. The president has a 60 percent approval rating and the issue will broadly contribute to most Americans' well-being. A:CRNAs must be supervised by an anesthesiologist at all times. Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 (Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census), and the Presidential Memorandum of July 21, 2020 (Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census), are hereby revoked. 7 The demands of Congress on the President no longer exceed the resources available to meet those demands. command the nation's armed forces, send U.S. troops into military engagements. issue an executive order What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto? a. C. U.S. Tax Court C. whether federal judges on the whole are a diverse body a. declaring a state of national emergency. During the planning for this years bash, a disagreement broke out between the treasurers staff and the controllers staff. E. the Supreme Court and state high courts, E. the Supreme Court and state high courts, According to the Constitution, which of the following is empowered to establish federal district courts? Compared with its 19th-century counterpart, which of the following is true about the modern cabinet? 14. The President's role in 19th century politics was which of the following? b. the set of offices and staff created to assist the President. E. All of these answers are correct. The most important constitutional limitation on the President's leadership in foreign affairs is which of the following? 6 The president has enough resources for coordinating national responses during emergencies, but insufficient authority to usurp the Constitution. c. are generally ineffective because members of Congress do not like presidents trying to tell them how to do their job. Who files suit in a case dealing with a violation of criminal law? In what way does the use of signing statements by presidents differ from the use of executive orders? a. sets the basic framework for spending and taxing in the United States. Which early landmark case granted the Supreme Court its most significant power? b. C. state courts of appeals judges Which of the following statements about the evolution of the presidential tactic of "going public" is accurate? b. 47. "There is no need to expand the administrative capabilities of the presidency." Which of the following is a key difference between criminal trials and civil trials? incorrect E. brief. c. The requirement that a two thirds majority of both the House and the Senate ratify treaties d. ignored the fact that the Constitution withholds the kind of authority from the President that CEOs typically enjoy, and Congress initially rebuffed the proposal and only relented to a scaled-down proposal. Convert each mixed number to an improper fraction. In 1937, the President's committee on Administrative Management, also known as the Brownlow Committee, concluded its detailed analysis of the state of the presidency with which of the following? Which recent presidential administration had the most powerful vice president? c. declarations presidents sometimes issue when approving a bill that they will not enforce or implement certain provisions of a bill. 8. 5 31. a. OA) The president orders the federal bureaucracy to carry out his policies and it does so without resistance because he is the president and oversees the executive branch. A. the Federal Register. While King George III had______ power, the government under the Articles of Confederation was too ________. B. C. the Supreme Court Background. B. associate justice. Which of the following statements about presidential management is accurate? B. contractual matters Executive Order 13986Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census January 20, 2021 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: Section 1. E. Criminal trial decisions can be appealed, whereas civil trial decisions cannot. south glens falls school tax bills mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis Avoiding ambitious indiciduals who would use the temporary advantages conveyed by national crisis to permanently alter the constitutional order. A. attitudinal model. D. the Attorney General of the United States B. four 46. Which of the following is true about the line item veto? which of the following statements about executive orders is accuratemarc d'amelio house address. A. Sonia Sotomayor and Samuel Alito b. The order was to establish the Office of Homeland Security and the Security . D:CRNAs must be supervised by an anesthesiologist for at least 1 year after initial certification. Criminal trials always have juries, whereas juries are optional in civil trials. a. C. the Supreme Court E. congruent, A Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority in a case has the option to write a _______ opinion. E. Executive orders are not subject to judicial review. A. two b. Abraham Lincoln d. Roosevelt's management skills were so poor that the existing bureaucracy no longer wanted to oversee federal programs. Eroded the President's capacity to enlist television to go public. b. ignored the fact that the Constitution withhols the kind of authority from the President that CEOs typically enjoy, and Congress initially rebuffed the proposal and only relented to a scaled-down proposal, The two critical elements of the Executive office of the president are the, Office of Management and Budget and the White House Office, It was fitting that a separate presidential staff would arise during Roosevelts' presidency because, Roosevelt persuaded Congress to create many relief agencies outside of the bureaucracy so this increased management responsibilities for the President, It is possible to view the institutional presidency as, a presidential branch of the government separate and apart from the executive branch that attempts to coordinate the executive and legislative branches in its own behalf, is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers, is larger and more complex because of the expanded responsibilites of presidents and the centralization of tasks that used to be performed in agencies and departments. The authority of the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of governmental action is known as. Routine, repetitive procedures E. the president, Which of the following issues articles of impeachment for federal judges? Who is charged with drafting cert memos, which summarize the facts, describe the legal arguments, and make a recommendation as to whether the Supreme Court should take the case? an order to seize a telecommunications company. C. the plaintiff This document is signed, published and written decree ordered by the President. It marked the beginning of a more powerful presidency in politics. Executive orders have been used to change federal policies on hiring minorities. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is widely recognized as a uniquely powerful president. What term is used to describe a court made up of a group of judges who must evaluate a case together and decide on an outcome? Ch04: Civil Liberties: Nationalizing the Bill, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. They have the force of law, but can be retracted by the next president. E. the Supreme Court and state high courts. E. Samuel Alito, Which of the following Supreme Court justices is generally viewed as the MOST conservative? b. is exceptionally strong because he can command so much public attention and has access to more information. Signing statements are a. Presented below are a number of questions related to these qualitative characteristics and underlying constraint. A. the president Which of the following statements about the president's judicial powers are true? C. the Supreme Court 7. d. Made the Supreme Court a much more important institution regarding public policy. Which of the following government officials are regularly part of the National Security Council (NSC)? d. The demands of the office exceed the resources available to meet those demands for the first time in our history. \text { Purchase 2, Mar. incorrect answers The presidnet has enough resources for coordinating national responses during emergencies, but insufficient authority to usurp the Constitution, President Grover Cleveland noted which of the following about presidential appointments, The relationsihp between 19th century presidents and their cabinets was based on which of the following. A. less than both the legislative branch and the executive branch. Executive orders are exceptional devices used only in times of national emergency. Open access orders and limited access orders differ fundamentally in the way power and influence is distributed. A. state high courts judges
which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate
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